We endeavour to bring you initiatives, information, new books, study groups, podcasts and more to help share the value of Anthroposophy with the world today.

We rely on memberhip contributions and donations to support our work, and so we appreciate and are grateful that you have found this page and are considering making a donation.

Become a Member

You can support us by becoming a Member of the Johannesburg Group of the Anthroposophical Society. Find all the details and the affirmation form on this Membership page here.


We appreciate any financial support you can offer. Please send donations (using the reference donation) to:

Name: The Jhb Group of the Anthroposophical Society in SA
Branch: 198765 Nicolway
Account Number: 1958015229
Type: Current Account
Reference: Donation

If you prefer to use a credit card, you can make your contribution through our Yoco link here.

Other Donations


We appreciate if you would like to volunteer in some way, for example with any time you have to contribute to the running of our events, or to help with marketing, writing, or other skills you could offer the Society. If you would like to contribute in one of these ways, please contact our Secretary to explore options.


We are also grateful for donations of Anthroposophical books to our library, and also of children’s story books, also for our library. You can arrange to drop off the books with our librarians on library@anthro-jhb.org.za

For more info, please do get in touch with us.