Nature Spirits – A book by Rudolf Steiner

The book “Nature Spirits” is a selection of Lectures by Rudolf Steiner that is available in our library. Helen shares her reflection from this book:

“There is a connection between moral development in human beings and the future evolution of nature and the nature beings. A human being takes his own further development in hand – to the degree that this becomes possible, he becomes free. In so doing, he also contributes to the further evolution of nature. The future evolution of nature depends upon mankind becoming free.

Only when man understands himself to be a developing being and takes his own spiritual development in hand, can nature and its beings also develop. This situation is evidently new in the history of mankind and the earth; it is very apparent in the ecological problems of the last decades. It has for the first time become obvious to what extent the spiritual and moral development of the human being determines the fate of the natural environment.

Human beings will themselves become, in the future, beings who create nature but who do so through moral self-determination. When a human being succeeds in forming, alongside a perception rooted simply in the senses, an active conceptual understanding of created nature, then he can release the spirits who are bound up within it.”

Written by Helen Katsikas 

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