Follow up about the Talk & Workshop by Cyril Coetzee
On the weekend of the 15/16 December, twenty of us enjoyed the company of Cyril Coetzee. We explored the four ethers through a mix of art reflection, drawing with charcoal, group discussions, with the main lecture on the Friday night.

The drawing exercise included using lemniscates to illustrate how formative forces work in every part of the human anatomy. We also spoke about the issues of gender identity which are so prevalent today – especially in young people.
Ludmilla, accompanied by Abel on the piano, helped us experience the ethers through Eurythmy. “If we do Eurythmy we experience that we do not move in a vacuum but are surrounded by forces and elements,” Ludmilla explained.
“The life ether, the force behind the earth weighs us down. Water, whose force is the tone ether, also leads us down but in a spiraling or meandering way. Light ether, the force behind the air, spirals up. Fire with the help of the warmth ether carries us up and up. That is what we tried to experience during the Eurythmy session.”
We thank both Abel and Ludmilla for the Eurythmy. And we thank Cyril for making the time to come and lead us in this talk and workshop. We look forward to hosting him again in the not too distant future.
Recommended Reading:

Cyril suggested another author, Ernst Marti, for understanding the etheric, and we are happy to say that we have copies of Marti’s books “The Etheric”, both Volumes 1 and 2, that have just arrived in the library.
“Ernst Marti devoted his life to researching the ‘etheric realm’ – a subtle area that exists between the physical and spiritual. Taking the numerous statements and references by Rudolf Steiner as his starting point, Marti develops our understanding of the etheric world in various fields – from the theory of knowledge to the natural world, through to music, the realm of colours, eurythmy and medicine. In doing so, he proposes exciting bridges from the ancient and medieval worldview to the present and future of natural and spiritual science. The Etheric explores the fourfold realm of the ethers.”
Volume 1 focuses on “The World of the Ethers” while the second volume is “The World of Formative Forces”.